Help and FAQ

Order Status

Can I cancel my order?

  • We often start processing your items within 24 hours of receiving your order. If you want to cancel the order, please email us, we will try to cancel the order for you, but our cancellation policy has some restrictions. If your items have been shipped, printed by the vendor, or have been sent to the proof of the print backdrop, unfortunately, the order can not be canceled. If you choose to continue to cancel the order, you will need to pay 25% of the order amount for the printed item as a cancellation fee.

Has my order shipped?

  • Click the "My Account / Order History" at the top of the right-hand side of our site to check your orderโ€™s status. If your order has been shipped, we will send you an e-mail to inform the tracking number.

How do I track my order?

  • Click the "My Account / Order Status" at the top of the right-hand side of our site to track your order.

My Account

How do I create an account?

  • Click "Create an Account" at the top of the site to enter your name, email address and password. Log in to your account by email address and password.

How do I edit my account information?

  • Click "Sign in" at the top of the site to log in to your account and add or modify your address information in "View Addresses"

How do I reset my password?

  • Click "Sign in" at the top of the site, click "Forgot your password?" Under the login box, enter your email address, we will send an email to help you reset your password.

How do I use a coupon?

  • After adding the products to the shopping cart, click the link "Cart" at the top of this website to view your shopping cart and click the "CHECKOUT" button. On the right side of the checkout page, you'll see a box where you can enter your coupon code.

Shipping and Return 

  • Please click "shipping policy" or "return policy" at the bottom of our website.

          We ship to the whole world!

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: +(812) 214-5362